Spinach/Strawberry Salad

New England weather… Monday I was wearing a sweatshirt and making baked stuffed pork chops and today it’s up in the 90’s, maybe going to 100°.  I’m very glad that I took care of my Freddie Farkel’s fabric pick up yesterday (yes, it magically ‘appeared’ just as I was calling them).  Unfortunately not having central air might delay the project for the next 3 days.  In my last post I had a video of Moe’s help getting the machines ready but I really hope he doesn’t get quite so involved with this project as he did on this one:

In any case, just the thought of working with heavy fabric and batting is enough to put that project off and I’d say the weather calls for maybe burgers on the grill and a cool salad just like this one:

I was a little surprised when my husband called my attention to this  in some booklet we got from our insurance company on eating healthy.  The combination of almonds and strawberries is really good but what makes this super is the very easy dressing.  I’d say roasting the almonds (unless you have the A/C going) is probably optional.

Spinach/Strawberry Salad

Mix fresh baby spinach with strawberries and almonds (toasted if you feel like it).  Top with this perfect dressing:
1     Tablespoon balsamic vinegar (I used white balsamic)
1     Teaspoon Dijon mustard
1     Teaspoon honey
3     Tablespoons olive oil

Place the vinegar, mustard, and honey in small bowl, then slowly whisk olive oil in until incorporated.  Perfect for the spinach/strawberry/almond combination.

12 thoughts on “Spinach/Strawberry Salad

  1. I know what you mean…going from sweats to shorts is crazy. It appears that there is no happy medium here in New England this week. Your salad sounds perfect for a hot day…I had something similar a few days ago.


    • Today I’m making the chicken w/pistaschio’s & grapefruit. Now that’s another one for a hot day & I cooked up the chicken first thing this morning. It’s pretty bad out there. Stay cool my friend.


    • Even in his sleep Moe looks crazed although today he looks more like he’s in a coma. I’m so glad that I got Lola groomed yesterday. They were ankle deep in her undercoating (and that’s just from 1 month) but I’m sure her skins getting a little more air. Terrible problem here w/hot spots last year that were the most horrible thing I’ve ever seen. Got the window A/C at least in the bedroom so after taking care of bare minimum this morning, it’s definitely a reading day. Enjoy the pool – wear a hat!


      • Glad to hear that Lola has dropped some fuzzy weight. I took Bailey VERY early to the dog park today, even then it was already 82. Posting a video tomorrow of him with a new “girlfriend”.

        I love the super-crisp cold of a window AC in the bedroom. My first house (and deep down my favorite) was a 1940s row home in Baltimore with a huge master bedroom — old hardwood floors — and crisp air-conditioned sheets! Can you tell I love to snooze?


      • Cannot wait to see this video! Funny how when you mention that super crisp cold, especially on the sheets, I know exactly what you mean by it. I made the mistake of trying to save some energy yesterday afternoon & shut down the A/C for a few hours. Whoa, bad idea since it couldn’t handle more than tepid until almost 9:00 last night. No refuge but just a little more from what I hear & the heat will be breaking. That 1940’s row house sounds very neat…if we ever give up country living & move back to the city I would covet a town house on Beacon Hill.


  2. Pingback: Fried Goat Cheese Spinach Salad | Photographs and recipes

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