Thank you Squirrel!

It was a dark & stormy night…. but then I read Squirrel Circus’ blog & found that she had nominated me for the Kreative Blogger award. Thank you millions Squirrel Circus for honoring me with a Kreative Blogger award!  I love your sense of humor and highly recommend that everyone stop by to say hi.  Being new to blogging, I am amazed at how many interesting, informative & crazy/funny blogs are out there on WordPress to read, therefore it makes my day when people stop by to read mine, comment and pass the word on to others.  I love hearing from readers and appreciate all the fellow bloggers who want each other to succeed.  I guess that’s what keeps us all writing and experimenting with what we do.

As part of the Kreative Blogger award I’m supposed to list 7 things about myself.  Most I don’t blog about, so you may learn a few new things about me:

1.  In high school I used to pump gas at the Esso station in town when gas was still pumped & oil was checked – that was short lived after working through a New England winter!  Enjoying the outdoors, I then worked two summers during college driving an ice cream truck where my best customer was a 250 lb. Newfoundland who used to stand on the little door at the back of the truck until his owner came around to buy his ice cream sandwich after which the line of kids behind him got their ice creams.  My first career was in retailing as a buyer, then I opened my own discount outlet store, got tired of retailing and moved into software in the 80’s.  When my daughter turned 4 and we moved, I decided to stay at home, although I wasn’t home much after being enlisted as a soccer coach until Niki decided to become a competitive figure skater. At that point I pretty much lived in my car going from school to rink, to school, to rink… There were contract jobs in between but for the most part I consider myself retired now.
2.  People who think they’re important and take themselves too seriously make me laugh.
3.  I love to sew and used to make all my daughter’s prom gowns and  skating dresses.
4.  I want to learn how to reupholster & now have a disassembled couch, blisters & a gouge in my left hand. Maybe I should get a book about this.
5.  I’m currently taking an on-line course in quantum physics – I know, I know but you have to learn something new every day.
6.  I love animals with fur and don’t like those that slither.
7.  Although I don’t like to refer to my health I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia 20 yrs. ago, then with multiple sclerosis, which all turned out for the good because the tests accidentally detected a tumor and I am now a 5 year cancer survivor. This also gives me a chance to thank Doreen Konik, the best primary care doctor ever who isn’t afraid to buck the insurance industry & why I can blog today!

So, more than I planned to say, but thank you again Squirrel Circus for making my day with your nomination and especially with your terrific blog.  The final step is to nominate other blogs that I enjoy & hope you will drop by for a visit.  Please, accept with thanks for your great blogs and continue to pass the word & award on to someone else to give them a smile today:

Susan at Our Kitchen Inventions is promising a certain recipe (but no pressure Susan).
Domestic Diva, MD always cracks me up & makes me wonder what I’ve said under anesthesia.
Malou at Going Dutch has awesome photography & gorgeous daughter.
For decor & remodeling inspiration, check out A Detailed House – I want to live there.
Anastasia has really unique recipes Inspired by her Russian roots – while chasing kids too!
Many of you already follow Danny’s Kitchen but he’s the go-to guy for great food.
And a very fun place to visit is Happiness Stan Lives Here (south of London)

14 thoughts on “Thank you Squirrel!

  1. You ARE so welcome! After the sweet reply you left on my post, I can picture you and I both sitting down with a cup of coffee and reading each other’s blogs, miles and miles apart. Nice thought. Cheers!


    • Justa, thank you and I consider that a super compliment coming from such a terrific blogger as you. You are one of the most encouraging and helpful bloggers out there. Have you noticed how supportive the bloggers here are? It’s a great community where people really try to help one another to succeed.


  2. Pingback: A Day of Gratitude and Gentle Reminders | Danny's Kitchen

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