Shrimp on Avocado – What to eat after getting a crown

Crown and river in Sweden

Today I finally got my crown.  No, not the sparkly one with diamonds and rubies, but the one on top of the post that’s been sticking out of my gums and the last step in the dental implant saga.  That would be the implant I needed after a bouncy Bernese Mountain dog jumped up to give me a kiss, breaking my tooth off at the gum line requiring an oral surgeon to drill out the roots – that tooth.  I’m really glad it’s over ($$$$$) and today didn’t hurt much at all but with the heat and the gums being a little sore, I figure it’s a soft food kind of night.

But first a story from my dentist who was a little late getting to me.  Reason being, he tried to squeeze in a guy during his lunch hour who’d broken his crown over the weekend.  Being a guy, he tried a do-it-yourself quick fix that I’m sure he thought was brilliant at the time.  Apparently, this guy decided to put the crown back on using Gorilla Glue – that is correct, Gorilla Glue. Now I’ve checked my bottle of Gorilla Glue and I just do not see anywhere on the label where it says that it may be used to repair a crown in your mouth.  Your tiara/crown, definitely, but not the one inside your mouth. Plus the guy made a total mess of it and didn’t even line it up very well.

So for this hot, humid night I’m making this tasty avocado topped with shrimp and Russian dressing.  There’s no cooking involved if you get the pre-cooked shrimp.  I made my own quick Russian dressing  – just a combination of 1/2 cup mayo; 1/4 cup ketchup; a tablespoon of red wine vinegar & a tablespoon of finely chopped onion.


Halve the avocado and remove the pit.  Chop cooked shrimp and mound on top of the avocado, then top with salad dressing.  So easy, so fast and easy on sore gums.

20 thoughts on “Shrimp on Avocado – What to eat after getting a crown

  1. Oooo nice dish, Diane. Healing thoughts coming over the road. Ok. “gorilla glue”? c’mon now. Just when you heard it all. There are so many things wrong with that story.


  2. Wow that is some story my friend – cant imagine that kind of a trip. I’m glad it’s all over for you now my friend!
    But I can imagine how awesome this shrimp would taste 🙂

    Choc Chip Uru


  3. I used to be a dental assistant. You see everything. When a guy needs to eat he’ll duct tape his tooth in. 🙂 Krazy Glue came up quite often. I like avocados with anything but especially shrimp. Looks light and tasty.


    • Oh you must have some stories! But tell me – did a woman ever come in with a Krazy Glued tooth or just guys? I can’t think of any women friends who would think that’s a good idea but some guys I know….


      • I only know of one, but she had problems with addiction – and not food addiction. Mainly men. If you do that with a crown, bridge, or denture (yes, they glue the whole thing to their mouths), the dentist will take no responsibility for the outcome.


  4. Ouch! that must have been one big puppy dog.
    I am glad you were able to find a lovely dish other than icecream for the healing process. I love avocados and shrimp a perfect combo.
    Take Care,


    • Lola is a bouncy 90 lb. Bernese Mountain Dog who has a head the size of Boston (or at least it felt like that) & hard as a rock. I really did see stars.
      We’re still in steam mode here so this is a great meal for when the weather just isn’t for cooking.


    • I can tell you that was the most expensive mischief Lola’s gotten herself into! Even more than the kitchen floor that she ate 😦 At least I wasn’t crazy about that floor anyway but I did like my tooth. Just try to remember – no bouncing up when someone’s bending down to give you a kiss on the head.


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