K-9 Cookies – Recipe & Taste Test Results

The final results of the K-9 Cookie Taste Test are finally in (sorry, but it took a while to count 4 results).  I made these sweet potato cookies for Lola and was about to post it but then thought it might be better to see if dogs with discriminating tastes would eat them.  We have plenty of dogs in the neighborhood but I have a wonderful friend & neighbor who has an entire panel available at a moment’s notice.  Special thanks to Ruth, Tori, Nick, and Katie for supervising our panel of experts:  Miles, Cookies, Turbo and Lola (had to include her since everyone was eating her cookies).  The results:  3 out of 4 dogs approved this recipe.  Not that Bo’s a hambone, but she is looking for an agent.  If anyone knows how she can get on American Idol let us know… her repertoire is a little limited but she can sure belt a tune out.


1     Boiled sweet potato
2     Cups Quaker oatmeal
1/3  Cup Parmesan cheese
1/4  Teaspoon cinnamon

In mixer, combine all ingredients until well blended.  Drop about a teaspoon of batter on cookie sheet and bake at 350° for about 25 minutes. Since they are very chewy, I would recommend smaller drops & probably a shorter cooking time for a normal size dog.  Refrigerate any leftovers since they do have the potato & cheese.